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Call me a dreamer. Call me an idealist, but I believe that the keys to living happily and successfully are to take note of and to enjoy the little things in life.


I try to apply this mindset to everything I do. Every task should be a journey, and it's not a coincidence that the journeys we remember contain both elements of joy and successes as well as elements of struggles and setbacks. By moving past these struggles and by focusing on the positives of every journey... how can the end product be bad?


In any case, those are my abstract musings for the day. To catch you up on my life, I'm a student at Columbia University, but I call Wisconsin my home. Adobe Creative Suite changed my life and now I can call myself a Graphic Designer (or a Digital Artist) with a creative eye, a knack for problem solving, and enthusiasm that would rival the Genie's (from Aladdin duh).


Whatever the case may be, if you need me... Call me. No matter where you are. No matter how far. Let's work together!

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